Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Make Your Garden Even Greener With These Tips

Gardening is a hobby that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It can range from keeping a small patch of flowers on your front lawn to cultivating acres of land. If you think you can't garden because you don't have a "green thumb," you probably just need to learn more about the subject. The advice in this article provides you with all the information you will need, in order to turn those seeds into gorgeous blooms or delicious fruits and vegetables.

A great way to maximize garden potential is to plant perennials. Some edible vegetables will come back year after year with minimal maintenance like weeding, mulching, and fertilizing. Asparagus, bunching onions, and horseradish all will come back every year. Depending upon climate, there are many options for growing perennial vegetables for a maximum yield.

Check for weeds often in your garden as they will leech nutrients from the soil. Weeds can grow at a high rate of speed and overwhelm the resources available to your plants. Take the time to check for weeds at least twice a week to catch them while they are new shoots.

Keep interested in gardening by trying something new each year. While tried and true favorites will always be a part of the garden, reserve a part for something new and exciting to keep interest. Keep in mind that some trial and error will be required because one crop that will be a flop in the fall, might be an excellent crop in the spring.

Make sure you recycle your garden waste and organic kitchen waste to create compost for your garden. A compost heap makes an excellent soil conditioner. It can also save you a lot of money, as you won't need to buy bags of expensive commercial compost or fertilizer to make your plants grow.

It is crucial that you have the proper tools before starting a garden. You do not want to begin the process of starting a garden only to realize that you are in need of a tool you do not have. Try to get shovels, trowels, pruners, hoes, garden forks, and rakes.

To be sure a tree doesn't become a problem with age, think of what size it will become before you plant it. The perfect place for a sapling may not be a great place for a tree several years down the road. You should be especially careful not to plant a tree too closely to your house, as the roots can cause damage.

Tie strips of mylar balloons to the branches of your fruit trees just before harvest time. These flapping, shiny straps will frighten away birds and small mammals, protecting your fruit. Just be sure to remove them after the harvest, because if they blow loose, animals may eat them and become ill.

Fall is a great time of the year to plant a fall vegetable garden. The mild temperatures of autumn are fantastic for cultivating fast-growing, cool-season vegetables such as spinach, radishes and lettuce. Growing an autumn garden does require some planning since you need to harvest your salad crop before the first frost. By looking on the seed packet, you will find out how long it takes for your plant to be mature enough to harvest. Since plants grow more slowly in the shortened days of fall, add two weeks to the time listed on the seed packet. If the total number of days is 45, make sure you plant your fall crop at least that many days before the time that the first day of frost typically occurs in your locale.

Keep an eye on your lilies. Unfortunately, lilies are prone to virus disease, such as lily mosaic. If you can, purchase bulbs that are guaranteed 'virus-free'. During the growing season, keep a sharp look out for any aphids, as they spread the disease. Make sure to spray with insecticidals soap at the very first sign of them.

Create warmth with golden or yellow foliage. Visual vibrancy and warmth exudes from golden and yellow-leaved foliage. They are particularly effective in shady locations, giving the illusion of light and depth. They coordinate beautifully with purple flowers or deep bronze foliage. Good choices include Caryopteris 'Worcester Gold', Viburnum 'Aureum', various Hostas and Spirea 'Gold Flame'.

When gardening, try not to use broad-spectrum pesticides. If your pesticide has too wide a range of targets, it can kill off useful insects that fight off other pests. Beneficial bugs are usually several orders more sensitive to the things you spray than the pests you are trying to kill, so you might wind up dropping the good bug populace and open the door to pest population growth. This might result in you having to use even more pesticides to get rid of the pests.

To make sure you don't harm your plants when you water them, only use water at a lukewarm temperature. Cold water can shock your plants, making it more difficult to absorb the water properly. Try filling your watering can before you go to bed at night so that it'll be the perfect temperature when you're ready to water your plants in the morning.

A garden can enhance the appearance of your home or provide your family with fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables. In addition, gardening is a pastime that can give you hours of pleasure. If you follow the tips and advice that are given in this article, your garden is sure to flourish, no matter how large or small.